Good Morning Everyone,
I had a very busy, very happy Memorial Day weekend.
My oldest grandson was married in Boston, and my whole
family was together for the happy event.
I bought my dress for the wedding in about 20 minutes while
doing a crochet demo at the Mall of America this past February,
it took me two weeks to find a pair of shoes. I could not find
a bag at all, so at the last minute decided to make one. I only
had 2 days, so I thought that I would start out by just making
a little filet crochet mesh, and lining it. If time permitted I
would add some free form embellishment. I found a great
shimmery yarn at my local yarn shop, and started working.
I worked on it in the car on the 4 hour drive, and was tucking
in some ends later that evening.
The wedding festivities were great fun, but I was totally
exhausted by the time we arrived back home on Monday.
Have a great day!
Me with the groom,
his dad (my son), and his brother, waiting for the
bride to arrive at the church.
I started
with a rectangle of simple filet crochet, lined it, folded it in
half, sewed the sides, added shell trim on bottom and a ruffle
on top, added a drawstring.

All the embellishments were added later by surface
crochet or separate pieces sewn on.
Have a great day!
Good Morning Everyone,
I have been very bad about posting here, its so hard to find the time and unless something exciting or interesting is going on, I don't want to bore you.
I have been working on getting the first samples of my new knitting book to the publisher. They need at least a quarter of the projects pretty quickly so that they can start the layout etc. I cannot say much about this book as yet, but I can say that it has been a challenge for me. Perhaps the most challenging so far.
In addition to getting the samples in, and getting myself ready to leave tomorrow for Ewephoric Weekend in Granby, Connecticut, I am struggling with learning the ins and outs of my new Mac. My son surprised me on his Easter visit, by bringing me this wonderful piece of equipment. But---in spite of his assurances that this would make my life so much easier, I am still not so sure. If using ones brain will help ward off Alzeimers, learning to use the Mac will be doing a lot to preserve my mental health.
I will be sure to take a lot of pictures at the weekend event, and I will post all about it when I return.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Everyone,
Every Monday morning, for about 10 years now, I have been teaching a crochet class at my local yarn shop. Attendance has been falling off the past few weeks, and I thought that perhaps its time to give it up. I have been so busy with my books and designs and I really wondered why I continued to do the weekly teaching.
Then, this morning a woman came in to see me. She said that her mother had taught her to crochet many years ago, but that she had forgotten all that she had ever learned. She was expecting a first grandchild, and really wanted to make a baby blanket for the new arrival.
She had my book, HOOKED THROWS, in her hand and had chosen the rainbow blanket for her first project. After a few less than perfect tries, her brain began to remember what it had learned long ago. Very quickly, her fingers also started to remember how to hold the hook, how to yarn over etc. Before the 2 hours were up she had one block made and was ready to change colors.
The happiness that she felt was contagious. Everyone in the shop was cheering her on. Thanks Carol, for reminding me why I teach in the first place, and if I ever think of giving it up again, I will think of the smile on your face as you thanked me.
Have a great evening!
Good Morning Everyone,
I just finished proofing (for the last time, I hope) the manuscript for my latest book - PLUS SIZE CROCHET - FASHIONS THAT FIT AND FLATTER - and it is looking really super. The photos look terrific, and I have gone over the instructions at least 5 times, so hopefully there will be very few errors in them. If you want a sneak peek, you can see it on
While visiting my friend and fellow fiber fanatic, Prudence Mapstone, in Australia a few years ago, Prudence had a book on plus size knitted sweaters. I was intrigued by the book, because it was co-authored by Dawn French, an English actress. I loved her as The Vicar of Dibly on the BBC Comedies, and she also had a cameo role in one of the Harry Potter movies. At the time I wondered if there were many books out there for plus sizes, and if there was one featuring crochet. Seeing that book planted a little seed in my brain to do further research, but I never did anything with it. Last year, while attending the Crochet Guild of America conference, several women came up to me and asked "why designers did not design more crochet things specifically for plus sizes?"
After hearing this from so many women, the little seed, planted in Australia, began to flower. One week after returning home, I sent in a proposal for a new book, it was accepted almost immediately, and now it is finished. It will be on the stands in the Fall.
On an entirely different note, I cannot believe what happened to me on Saturday night. While attending a social gathering at a church in my village, I was having a grand time. There were refreshments and entertainment etc.
During the entertainment portion, I was totally surprised to find out that my son, daughter-in-law and grandson, were all part of the show. When they invited me to join them, they never told me that they were participating. In my enthusiasm and surprise, I was vigorously applauding them. In a very short time my hands began to tingle and itch and hurt all at once. I could not believe it, did not know what to think, and wondered what in the world was happening to me. The next morning both my palms were terribly black and blue, and sore.
Moral of the story: When you need your hands to knit and crochet and type, use restraint when clapping them together, even if the applause is for beloved family members :-)
Have a great day,