Good Morning Everyone,
We have a gloomy, cloudy, some rain falling, kind of day, so when
I received this photo in an e-mail this morning, it made me smile. I know nothing about it, or who should receive credit for it, but thought that I would share it, and perhaps make you smile too.
I have finally finished the book that I have been working on. I thought that I was finished two weeks ago, but decided to add a few more things. Of course we still have to do the tech editing and refining, but the actual project work is done. Very soon, I will be telling you all about it.
On the heels of finishing this one, I have already started the next. This one
is very preliminary, but beginning work is started, so I will continue to be
very busy.
I don't know how many of you are on ravelry, facebook, many knit/crochet lists etc, but if you are, you know how time consuming these things can be. I am afraid I cannot keep up with all, but I try. For the time being, I have resisted twitter, my
brain can only hold so much :-).
Enjoy the rest of your weekend
The work in the photo is by Carol Hummel www.carolhummel.com She was wrapping trees in yarn before Knitta. Isn't it awesome? FYI
On my walking blog, I've honored your blog with an award. The article will be published on April 3, 2009. Please visit my blog for details:
jd in st louis
I LOVE the Tree Wrap!!! Honestly, what a beaut.
I am searching for the Pineapple Shawl that was in a leading Crochet Magazine designed by Tatyana Mirer.
It was number 19 on page 44...just can't find which magazine. Am wanting awfully to make this in wild colors. If you can help me when you get time, I'd really appreciate it. I am searching Tatyana's online information searching for the instructions. Thanks.
Your blog looks great!
Best wishes.
Kate Dooley
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