I am a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. I write books on knitting and crocheting, I teach and I design for magazines. I love doing cross word puzzles and have had original cross word puzzles published. I love being with my family and friends, holidays, traveling,and watching old movies.I love dancing but do not get the chance too often any more.I also love Shakespeare and belong to a Shakespeare club, which is 115 years old. I love playing bridge too.
I am running out to teach this morning but thought that I would take a minute to share pictures from Stitches East in Hartford Ct. Not a bad drive from my house at all, took about an hour and forty minutes, Convention Center is practically right off the highway, so no trouble at all. My friends Carol D. and Frances F. attended with me. They had a ball as they had never been to a venue like this before
Picture taking in the market is very limited, and you can only take pictures with permission from the person that you are taking a picture of.
One of the highlights of my trip was getting to meet up with my dear friend Myra Wood. Myra was there teaching and also signing her brand new book. We thought that we were going to miss each other, but Myra's plans changed slightly and she was able to spend a little more time in the market, so we got to spend a little time together.
First Photo, Myra and me with Myra's beautiful new book, wait till you see the gorgeous photos in this book, CRAZY LACE.
Next Myra, me and Claudia.
Kathleen Sams (Red Heart Yarns) and Myra.
Penny Sitler, me.
Kathleen and Me
Barry Klein (Trendsetter Yarns) and me.
I'll add to this tonight, have to run now.
Enjoy the day,
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Happy Saturday Everyone,
Finally sharing some of my Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Festival photos with you.
It was a great fall day, crisp and very cool. The crowds were huge, the foliage was coming into fall colors, and there was yarn everywhere. All kinds of food was available but the lines were very long. I was not able to get any photos inside the buildings, too many people and all taller than me. Every time that I tried, I got a sea of heads. In the first photo, meet The Knitmore Girls, Jasmin and Gigi, a mother-daughter knitting production, and Meghan, from Stitch It!! There was a huge crowd surrounding the girls, not only were they happy and obviously having a ball greeting all their fans, they were handing out free kits, with yarn, instructions and even tea and a recipe for Pumpkin Yummy Muffins. Definitely a high point of my trip. You can follow them on ravelry at www.ravelry.com/groups/the-knitmore-girls-podcast
Next photo is Doris Chan, me and Diane Moyer. Next is Irene, a member of the Happily Hooked on Crochet Chapter of CGOA, me and Frances F. Next photo is Doris Chan, Me, Diane Moyer and Frances F, chatting and having some fun, while Doris and Diane are trying to get some food. You can actually make lasting friendships while waiting on the long food lines :-).
Just an overview of the S & W, we had a great day, I bought very little yarn, but I did find just the right yarn to add to a project I have already started. I am also always on the lookout for my next design project and did get some interesting yarns for swatching. I met quite a few old friends, met several people who had taken workshops with me, and made a whole bunch of new friends.
The vendors booths were beautiful and all the yarns very tempting, and all the vendors were very friendly and helpful. I saw people walking around with huge bags of yarn, excited with their purchases. The attendees were a fashion show in themselves with an amazing array of outfits constantly parading by. It seems that everyone there was wearing a knit or crochet item, each one unique and beautiful. My Free Form jacket got quite a bit of attention, and people were constantly stopping me and asking me about it. That always makes me feel good.
It was a great day, I always look forward to attending this event.
I just discovered that both my new books are available for pre-order on amazon. I have been working on these books for the past 10 months, just finished the second one a few weeks ago.
THE COMPLETE PHOTO GUIDE TO CROCHET, will be shipping January 1st, THE COMPLETE PHOTO GUIDE TO KNITTING, will be shipping in July.
I am very excited about these books because they are not just another a book of stitches. I have invited other designers, who have expertise in very special techniques, to share their expertise with us.
In the crochet book, there will be sections on Tapestry, by Julia Bryant, Hairpin Lace and Broomstick Lace, by Jennifer Hansen, Overlay Crochet, by Melody MacDuffee, Bruges Lace, by Tatyana Mirer, and Polish Star Stitch by Pauline Turner.
Nancy Nehring has written a fabulous history of crochet, and Jules Kliot has contributed the Lacis Story. Very fascinating articles. Included is a gallery of some amazing pieces by the contributors and also photos from Prudence Mapstone, Myra Wood, Pam Shore, who made a gorgeous jacket using Kite String!
There will also be special sections on Free Form crochet and One piece crocheting.
In the knitting book, in addition to the stitch patterns, the specials will be, Fair Isle Knitting by Sasha Kegan, Ouroborus Knitting by Debbie New, Beaded Knitting by Judy Pascal, Twined Knitting by Beth Brown Reinsel, and Crazy Lace, by Myra Wood. Very exciting stuff!
There will also be special sections on Free Form Knitting and One piece Knitting. A history of knitting is also included.
I am so behind on blog posts again, just not enough days to do it all.
The October meeting of the Happily Hooked on Crochet Chapter of CGOA, met on October 11th. As usual the meeting was filled with members having a great time, doing good works and really enjoying each other.
We were making hats, scarves and gloves for the Salvation army, and making chemo caps and preemie caps for Danbury Hospital.
I managed to make one preemie cap, one hat and was working on a scarf at the meeting. I finished the scarf and decided that I would start another. Well I ran out of yarn, and was running out of time, as the deadline for bringing the things to the Salvation Army was looming and the meeting was almost over. What to do when life hands you lemons??? make lemonade. Karen D, finished her scarf and had a bit of yarn left over, which kind of went with my project. I "fought" off another member to grab Karen's leftover yarn, realized it still would not be enough to make a scarf, so I turned my half done scarf into a great hat.
Our Member, Elaine B, won a prize for the best use of color for her hat and scarf, at the Big E, her prize was a $100 gift certificate for Webs. Way to go Elaine! My photo does not do justice to Elaine's entry, it was gorgeous!
Kathy made a great scarf for kids (sorry my picture is on its side, won't turn for me). Nancy made the adorable baby set and could not resist clowning around.
Members,once again, made tons of hats, they are the best. We had visitors from the newly formed LI Chapter, they were shy about having their picture taken, so they are hiding behind Patty E's blanket. Deb S, asked me for some advice about the lovely shawl that she was making.
Nancy, the baby set it just wonderful. Nancy made the blanket using the double sided crochet technique that I taught at the last meeting.
What a happy, productive group, we always have fun at our meetings.
Life has been kind of hectic lately but finally finished all but the tech editing of the latest book. This book was the second of back to back books. The first one THE COMPLETE PHOTO GUIDE TO CROCHET is due out by years end, and is available on amazon for pre-order.
I have said many times, that teaching is the most fun of all the knit/crochet related things that I do. When enthusiastic students send me photos of their projects, I just love it. A few months ago, I did a free form knit and crochet combination Free Form Class, and one of my students really took off. She sent me photos of her items and gave me permission to share them with you.
The workshop was held at the Lion Brand Studio in New York City. If you have not visited there yet, and are any where in the area, be sure to stop in and see them. Beautiful shop and helpful, friendly staff. I will be back there in the spring.
In the class, we concentrated on making a bag, but I included instructions for the vest in my handout booklet. Kathleen really took off and completed all of the above items. Thanks so much for sharing with us Kathleen, looking forward to seeing what else you come up with.