Good Morning Everyone,
Here are some more pictures.
One important thing that I forgot to mention in
all the excitement, is that Brian's vest was the result
of many scrumbles made by our free form group.
We sent the pieces to Melanie Gill, long
time member of the International Free Form Group,
who miraculously turned them into the gorgeous
vest that we presented to Brian at our Free Form

My first prize winner on left,and my garment
made for the fashion show on right.
Thanks to Nancy from the Happily Hooked
on Crochet Chapter from CT. for the photos.

Melanie in one of the many gorgeous
outfits shown in the fashion show. This
design was entered by Urmie Seenarine
who is standing to the left in Granny Square

Sharon from the Texas Chapter, Brian and Wife Anne,
wearing the bra that Brian won for her in the silent auction
two years ago. The bra was the entry of Dee Stanziano
Member of and one of the founders of, the Happily Hooked
on Crochet Chapter in CT.

Chilling in the lobby, friends Val (my friend who found
me on the internet after not seeing me for years, and Jen
my roomie, and member of the Ct chapter.

Mary Beth Temple, Zontee, and Me. Zontee does the Lion
Brand News Letter and Podcast, Mary Beth and I were
both interviewed, what fun!
Have to get back to work now, more later.
If any one sees that I have identified any one incorrectly
spelled a name wrong or omitted anything, please let
me know. I will fix it right away.
Have a great day,
Hi Everyone,
There was truly so much going on every day at the
conference that I think that I will just post a lot of
pictures and let them tell the story.
Below are pictures from our International Free Form group
We all made a scrumble and sent them to Mel, who assembled
them into a magnificent vest to be presented to Brian, from
Brainsbarn (who made the wonderful commemorative hook
for the conference). At the dinner, Mel presented him with the
gift, beautifully wrapped. As a gag, Mel was wearing the vest
all evening, and Brian's box was empty.
The look on his face was really something to see.

Such anticipation, look at that smile.

Whats this all about, he cannot believe it - NOTHING!

Mel had Brian turn around (he's such a ham), then she stuffed the
vest in the empty box, and had him re-open it

Brian wore the vest in the fashion show and stole the

My fashion show pictures are dark, my flash just
does not work from such distance. That's me
up there.
More tomorrow
Good night,
Hi Everyone.,
Wow, what a week of fun and excitement. I just returned home this afternoon and I still have not caught my breath.
It was an exciting week, and I have tons of photos to share. The highlight of my week, was that my entry won first place in the crochet contest. More on that later.

Rita, me, Jean and Jerry at PDD day.
I arrived Tuesday evening, in preparation of attending
Professional Development Day on Wednesday. Lion Brand
Yarns sponsored the event, providing goodie bags filled with yarn
books, hooks and more. A delicious mid morning snack was also provided.
Thank you Lion Brand.
The topic of the morning was publishing how-to's. Rita Weiss,
president of CGOA, and Jean Leinhauser,
presented a program on the many aspects of the publishing world.
After a lovely luncheon, where Amy Shelton,
co-owner of Crochetville, was the guest speaker,
there were several sessions held on different
topics, and attendees could pick three of the
sessions to attend.
I attended self publishing by Myra Wood, Crochet as Art by Sharon
Mann, and a great session with Kathleen Sams and
Vicki Blizzard.
The day flew by and soon PDD was over.

Sharon demonstrating her art

The finished product!
After a busy, busy day, my son, daughter in law and
grandson, drove up from Harvard, MA and took me
out for a great dinner.
End of day one.
Hi All,
I'm off to the conference in just an hour or so.
I am doing four workshops, then I will be doing a book signing at the Elegant Ewe booth. If you are going be there, be sure to stop by and say "HI".
I'll have lots to report on my return.
Have a great week.
Happy Sunday Everyone,
I am coming into the homestretch of finishing up everything that needs to be done for the conference. All my booklets are done, my workshop suitcases packed, one new top to wear finished - still to do - finishing touches on my fashion show garment, getting my clothes ready to pack.
I leave Tuesday morning, so I still have some work to do.
I have been so rushed that I have not been checking my ravelry lists the past few day. When I checked this morning, I found a nice surprise.
A few months ago Casey's dad, Thom, was in an accident and quite a few ravelry members came together to send Thom an afghan of love.
This tremendous undertaking was finally finished and Casey delivered it to Thom. The happy look on Thom's face says it all. I was very happy to be involved in this, I managed to get 3 little squares made - great job all.

Thom wrapped in love from ravelry members!
If you do not know about ravelry go to
to find out about it. They were recently written up in a very
nice article at;
Have a great day
Happy Saturday Everyone,
This is not about knitting or crochet, but every once
in awhile, something unusual happens and I just
have to tell you about it.
I was rushing out for an early morning appointment.
I had just had an e-mail exchange with my friend Prudence
(Who, by the way, is glob-trotting again) and was
running late. I was stopped in my tracks by
an unwelcome early morning visitor. A bear was
leisurely walking across my yard. My first instinct
was to run back into the house, then I grabbed my camera.

He was heading straight for my garbage pail, good
thing collection happened minutes before he arrived.

I was quite far away, but finally remembered to use
the zoom!

Wonder if anything good is left in there?

Well, I'll give it a try.
I made some noise by slamming my door and he
finally wandered off. I ran for my car and was out
of there in seconds "-)
Enough adventure for one day!
Have a great weekend,