Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Excitement in our Little Village

Good Morning Everyone,

Yesterday I left bright and early to teach my usual Monday crochet class at the Yarn Box in Pawling, NY.  As I approached the village I saw police cars diverting traffic.  I stopped and asked the officer what was going on and he told me a TV show was filming in the village and that I would have to park a little further away and walk to the shop.

When I got to the shop, quite a scene was going on. Production people setting up all kinds of equipment, people gathering to watch, such excitement. They were filming a scene for an upcoming "Elementary" one of my favorite shows as I am a Sherlock Holmes fan.  We could not get close enough to see much, but this is what we saw from the shop window.

Then a fun thing happened, a lovely young girl came into the shop and asked Marie (owner of the shop) if Marie could teach her how to knit.  It turned out that she is Lucy Liu's stand in on the show.  I asked her if I could take some pictures and she gave me permission to share them on my blog.

                                         She picked it up quickly

                                     Happy teacher, happy student, "I did it"

Monday mornings are usually quiet in our little village,  but the TV crew and all the hustle and bustle added a little excitement to our day.

Enjoy the day all


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