I am a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. I write books on knitting and crocheting, I teach and I design for magazines. I love doing cross word puzzles and have had original cross word puzzles published. I love being with my family and friends, holidays, traveling,and watching old movies.I love dancing but do not get the chance too often any more.I also love Shakespeare and belong to a Shakespeare club, which is 115 years old. I love playing bridge too.
What a gorgeous, bright, beautiful, sunny day we are having. I wish it could be like this every day, but I'll take it right now and enjoy.
I have a few more photos to share, then I think that will be it for the conference. I sent off my contest entry sweater on Monday, and just received word that it arrived safe and sound. Thank you, Doris Chan, for letting me know that my precious cargo has arrived.
Photos in order
Me and Vicki Howell (Vicki was amazed that I was on twitter and facebook, that I blog etc, (should I tell her that my kids drag me kicking and screaming into each new adventure?), Zontee from Lion Brand (whose smile always lights up a room), Ellen Gormley (my savior in getting my presentation up for Professional Development day, thank you Ellen and thanks to my son, Chris, who did the photos), me and Vicki, getting ready for our talks. Marty Miller, Rene Barnes, Karen, Dinner in the grill, Amy Shelton, President of CGOA, Rene B, Jo'Elle Galo, Karen R. Whooley, Cari Clement, Vice President of CGOA, and Mary Colucci, board member.
I'd also like to take a second to thank Penny Sitler, Executive Director of CGOA and her staff for making the conference a great one for all. Kareena Gibson, especially is my "go to" person for help, and she always has an answer for me. Thank you all.
Here are some more photos from the conference, most are from the Saturday Night Banquet some are from the market floor. Unfortunately my camera does not do well for long distances, so most of my fashion show photos are too dark to be of any use. Enjoy the photos.
First photo - Kathleen Sams, me, Rene Barnes
Second photo - Me with my Texas buddies, Jan and Molly, Third and Fourth photos attendees having fun at the banquet.
Missy Boo modeling in the Fashion Show, Beautiful Free Form Sweater, Last but not least, Kathleen Sams and Mary Carlucci manning a booth in the market.
Wednesday was such a busy day. After the Professional Development Day program, Many of us loaded into buses and went over to the MN Fiber Center for a special program. This event was originally planned to induct Jean Leinhauser into the CGOA Hall of Fame, as its very first member, but it also turned into a moving memorial for Jean. Rita Weiss, Jean's business partner and very dear friend, put together a spectacular slide show of Jean's life, there was not a dry eye in the place.
Thursday was the beginning of classes, friends gathering, the market preview, busy, busy, busy and lots of fun. Photos 3 and 4 are of 2 of my classes. Somehow after the first two classes, I forgot to take photos.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Good Morning Everyone,
I have been home from the conference for over a week, and I finally unpacked the last bag, put everything away and feel "caught up".
I have lots of photos from the conference and I'll post a few today, more tomorrow.
The conference was terrific. My week began with my speaking at Professional Development Day, my topic-IN IT FOR THE LONG HAUL; How to Reinvent Yourself to Succeed! I guess the committee chose me to talk about this because I have been in the needlearts business for a very long time, having my first design published in 1976 and my first book in published in 1978. Nineteen books and countless publications later, I am still very active in this business.
My son put together a slide show of my body of work, and seeing it all together in a series of 48 photos, was overwhelming to me.
Professional Development Day is an exciting day for any one wanting to work in the many aspects of the knit and crochet world. In addition to my talk, Vicki Howell gave a very comprehensive talk on how to use social media to advance your business, and Ellen Gormley spoke on how to give your designs a "wow" factor.
First photo is of me, trying out the podium, getting ready for my talk. Me and Vicki Howell "posing for the camera", Kimberly McAlindin,Tammy Hildebrand, Cari Clement, Ellen Gormley, me and Vicki Howell, just before getting ready for our talks.
After breaking for lunch, all attendees had the opportunity to attend 3 sessions with professionals, representing quite a few different aspects of business.
A great day was had by all. Classes began the next day.