Hi Everyone,
A few weeks ago I received a very nice e-mail from a knitting Guild asking my permission to use my free sweater pattern for charity work. They also asked if they could download the pattern, copy and distribute it to their guild members. This letter was special for a number of reasons. Designers usually put free patterns on their site to encourage people to visit and hopefully buy some of their future designs. Unfortunately it is an uphill battle trying to fight copy right infringement, so it was very refreshing to get an e-mail requesting permission. Not only were they asking me, but they also were going to do such good works with the pattern. I was so impressed, I not only gave my permission, but asked them to send me photos of their work.
Here's their letter and photo that I just received this afternoon.
Thank you again for allowing our knitting guild to use your Very Easy Child's Sweater pattern for a Guild KAL to support the Salvation Army. Last Thursday evening was our donation to the Salvation Army and there were lots of these little sweaters. The ladies loved knitting them and I believe will be making even more to donate. I am attaching a photo of the ladies who were present on Thursday evening who had finished sweaters or sweaters still on the needles from your wonderful pattern.
We are the Woolgatherer's Knitting Guild of Plymouth, Michigan. We meet in the Salvation Army building in Plymouth. While many of us knit for multiple charitable endeavors, the main charity knitting focus of our Guild is the Salvation Army. We knit to support many of their activities. These sweaters will go to their holiday distribution, where they allow pre-screened needy families come to "shop" for their families for the holidays. The sweaters and hats from your pattern will warm the bodies and hearts of many children this winter.
Thank you for sharing your pattern.
Mary Dixon
The Happily Hooked on Crochet Chapter of CGOA, the guild that I am a member
of, also does a lot of charity work, and we are collecting items right now to be
donated to the Salvation Army.
Great work all, I love it!
The Happily Hooked on Crochet Chapter of CGOA, the guild that I am a member
of, also does a lot of charity work, and we are collecting items right now to be
donated to the Salvation Army.
Great work all, I love it!