Monday, August 14, 2006

This and That

Hi Everyone,

I've had a very busy few days.  Yesterday was the monthly meeting of the Happily Hooked on Crochet Guild in Danbury Ct.   Our group is growing, we had such a nice gathering, plus 3 or 4 visitors.  I think two of them decided to join our group.  Unfortunately I forgot my camera, but several of the women said that they would send me some photos to share.  We had fun with show and tell, and seeing what everyone is up to.

This morning I had my regular Monday morning class at the Yarn and Craft Box in Pawling, NY.  One of my regular students was just about finishing a project that was giving her a little grief, but it turned out really nice.  Another students, who embarked on a pretty ambitious project, was also moving along.  We had a pinned together fitting, and its looking great.  Perhaps when they are done, I can get them to share a photo.  If any of you live in the area be sure to visit the shop, Marie Stewart the owner, gives discounts to guild members.  You can almost always find me there on a Monday morning (except when I am off traveling ).

In this morning's mail, I had a note from Tim of the art car, telling me that he was going to be part of an exciting event happening in Austin, Texas on Oct 21st.  Well it just so happens that I will be in Austin on Oct 21, but I will be teaching all day.  I will be doing workshops for Crochet Texas and I am looking forward to doing the workshops and seeing some of the area.  Sure would be nice to get to see Tim and the car again.  Here is a copy of Tim"s e-mail,  check it out.


Greetings, my sure-footed and vitamin-enriched mailing list members!
I've finally gotten around to writing up my appearance with the Yarn
Car in Reader's Digest and (for about 2 seconds) on Good Morning
America.  I even have a short video clip of the latter, for your
viewing enjoyment...

Still got scads of stories and photos from past adventures that I'm
dying to share with you all, but for now that's all that's new.  I
hope all's right in your far-flung corners of the world!

And for those of you within striking distance of Austin, Texas, come
say hello at the viewing area on Congress Ave. at the end of the
Austin Art Car Parade on October 21...
(The web site doesn't do it justice -- it's one of the country's
biggest art car gatherings.)

Take care!

Your pal,
Dallas, Texas, USA

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