Good Morning All,
I have said it before and will say it again, it still always amazes me, that the Internet is truly so life enriching . About seven or eight years ago, I joined an on line forum called THE INTERNATIONAL FREE FORM GROUP. Little did I know that, the simple act of joining an on line group would open so many doors for me. I have made lasting friendships, I have traveled to England, Australia and New Zealand, and quite a few states, through contacts made in this group.
One day, I received an e-mail from Mirjam Bruck-Cohen, a then member of the group, and she went on to say that she was "thrilled" to have found me, that I had been her knitting guru for years and that she cherished my first book "One Piece Knits That Fit" and used it as a reference book all the time. Needless to say, I was very flattered. That book was my first, done in 1978, and I was happy that it was still being used.
Mirjam lives in Israel, a fellow fiber artist, museum curator, and friend http://fibersiv.net/
so we have never met personally, but have shared a lot. Mirjam invited me to participate in one of her first exhibits of fiber figures. I was out of my element, being a fashion designer, but I tried. I thought my piece was too child like, but Mirjam encouraged me to send it any way, and it became part of the wonderful exhibit. I called it "Connections" in honor of all the world wide friends that I have made through the Internet. You can see the collection at Mirjam's web page, click on Crochet Figures.
Last summer, Mirjam asked me if I could send her a photo of myself knitting, as she wanted to add it to her collection of knitters, little did I know that my photo would be along side some of the most famous knitting paintings and fantastic old photos, that Mirjam has collected through the years. Last week, Mirjam started sending me some of these photos, I was enchanted, and asked Mirjam if I could share them with you.
There are quite a few, and I am packing and getting ready to leave for my family Thanksgiving gathering, but I wanted to share some with you now, and will continue when I return. They range from Historical to whimsical and I know that you will enjoy them as much as I have.
Happy Thanksgiving to all, Thank You Mirjam for sharing your wonderful collection.