Hi Everyone,
Its been a while since I posted and every
time I go away from it, it takes me a while
to figure things out again.
Our Happily Hooked on Crochet group had the most wonderful meeting yesterday. It was our Christmas Party and our members showed up laden with gifts and food. There was so much to choose
from that we all went home stuffed.
Two of our members have been
newly published - Congratulations Nancy and Chava.
My friend, Frances F., from Pawling, donated a huge bag of yarn
for the members. Grace (our president) decided the fairest way
to distribute the yarn was to raffle it off. There were 3 happy campers.
Grace gave us all a surprise package with a bar of soap, some yarn and
instructions on how to make a back scrubbie. Lots of fun, practical too
and a great, easy gift.
All in all a great meeting.
Enjoy the rest of the day.
Nancy and Ruth enjoying their grab bag
Everyone is having a grand time, busy talking and working away on their projects.
Nancy showing us her first published design - hooray Nancy!