Good Morning Everyone,
It has been awhile since I posted because I have been so incredibly busy. In the past few weeks, since returning from CA, I did book signings at the Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck, NY, and a workshop at the Elegant Ewe in NH, in
addition to my weekly crochet classes.
It was so busy at the S & W, that I did not have time to visit many of the incredible booths at all, but I had fun meeting so many people. One of the most happy meetings was a young pre-teen named Erin. Erin is a very enthusiastic crocheter and she purchased two of my books. I encouraged Erin to write to me and let me know how she progresses.
I received a lovely e-mail and photo from Erin, and with her
Mom's permission, I'm sharing it with you.
Dear Mrs. Hubert,
I just wanted to send you a photograph of the first crocheted purse I made
with the directions from your book, Hooked Bags. Your directions were so
clear that the bag was easy to crochet. It was a pleasure to meet you, and I
am so glad that I purchased the books!
Take care.

Every once in awhile I cannot figure out how to turn
the picture around, but I am sure that you can see
how lovely Erin's bag is. Thanks for writing Erin, I cannot
wait to see what else you do.

Me at one of the author's tables at the S & W
Last weekend I did a Free Form Knitting and Crochet
Workshop at the Elegant Ewe in Concord, NH. It is a
really beautiful shop and Marcie, the owner,
is terrific. If you are in the area, visit them
or visit on line -
We had such a great time and I cannot
believe how many students
almost finished their gorgeous bags.

The lovely shop is jam packed with goodies.

Marsha, Lisa, Janet and Judy

Marcie and I got in the act.
Aren't their bags beautiful?
Have a great day everyone!